They say the two best days at a job are the day you get the job and the day you quit the job. Actually, I think the saying is about boats, but it must be true for both. I’m so glad to be done with work because frankly, my ability to focus has been rapidly deteriorating. Yesterday, I accidentally sent my team lead an email intended for Bill. Luckily it just said, “I bought panther stamps.”
As frustrating as D*ll is, I’m thankful for the eight months I spent there. (Hey, I worked eight months. In a row.) The commute was a breeze. I worked with some great folks. And I got to eat free, gourmet food every day (when I imagined I worked at Google). I’m looking forward to seeing my Dublin friends, but I will miss Linda mucho.
For the next 72 hours I will be Garage Sale Queen. Watch for reports. It is going to be amazing.