I was driving around Austin today (haircut, lunch with E and Colette at Hill’s, various other tasks). My errands took me up 360 and 2222 and I was enjoying those curvy, hilly roads. I thought about how I’m probably not going to be driving much in the coming year (not sure about the lefty stuff), and even if I do, it probably won’t be in a ’94 Protege with baked-in, old-car smell that still is great fun to drive (now for Leah to enjoy). And I probably won’t have the air blasting chill in my face with the back of my neck still sweating from the sun beating through the side windows. And I’ll probably miss that.

On another note, I’ve always meant to call in one of those station breaks they play on KUT with Austinites relating Austiny tidbits. Here’s what mine would have been:

Before we moved to Austin I was looking at apartments on the Internet and I kept seeing ads that mentioned “360 view,” and I thought it meant a 360-degree view and I thought, man, Austin sure has a lot of turrets. After moving here I realized they were referring to 360 the road, the Capital of Texas highway. We’ve lived in Austin for nine years, and have never had a turret. This is Sharon Gunter and you are listening to KUT Austin.

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