We made it to Chicago. That’s step 47 in the overall plan. We got to Bob and Debbie’s around 4AM, but we were packed, and almost everything we packed made it on the plane. I had to sacrifice some toiletries to the weight limit, and my Austin Slow Burn Hot Apple Pie Jam to the gel ban. Why didn’t I put it in one of our seven suitcases? Because it was 3AM, that’s why.

The gate agent in Austin told Bill he had to check his guitar, which meant going to baggage and security in Chicago. More than our weary minds and bodies could bear! Beth, the best flight attendant in the world, sweet talked the guitar back into the cabin and kept it in the closet in first class.

So, maybe I’ll actually sleep on the flight to Dublin.

Hey, we just talked to Debbie on Skype. Everybody’s gotta get it!

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