My trip to Kilkenny last Saturday was pretty uneventful. Public transport in Dublin is very relaxed at 8:00am on a Saturday. I tried several times to contact the garage before leaving but no one answered. I took off for Kilkenny hoping the car was fixed. When I walked into the garage the car was on the front-end aligner and James (the owner of the garage) told me it would be about an hour or so and the gearbox was working perfectly. I wandered about, drank a smoothie (the Irish like their smoothies, there are smoothie shops all over the place), looked in some stores and headed back. They even washed the car, which was a nice value-add.

No one was staring at me in horror this time as I drove back through Kilkenny. The new gearbox purrs like a kitten. A kitten with a slight case of congestion, but it is a used gearbox, and the car is eleven years old. I drove the N78 through Castlecomber and Athy back to Dublin. Quite a nice drive, until I hit the M50 ring road. The N7/M50 intersection is under construction, and it is truly horrendous. I’m just glad I don’t have to navigate it during the week.

I’m not sure I’ve truly opened my heart to Kilkenny, but I did loan my car to her for a week.

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