A vacation can be ruined from pressure to maximize every moment. Thankfully, Mom and Dad are not burdened by that mindset. Not on this trip anyway. Dad may have such inclinations, but he’s taking a while to adjust to GMT, so we’ve been taking it easy.

Saturday we planned to visit the Red Stables Market in our park and then Malahide Castle. When I woke up I found a weary Dad on the couch saying that he had not slept a wink. Since we had the ghost tour that night I really thought Dad needed sleep, so we decided to visit the market and then hang out at the apartment. (I’ll let Bill fill you in on his whereabouts.) We enjoyed crepes at the market and bought some baked goods, lamb and goat cheese. Mom and I had no trouble napping that afternoon, but Dad did not get any real sleep. We headed out around 6:00 for downtown. We looked around for a place to eat, and wound up at La Paloma, a Spanish restaurant Bill and I ate at on our first visit to Dublin.

The Ghost Tour was fun. It’s a super nice bus, first of all. Our guide was quite the story teller. We heard about the scary tales Bram Stoker’s mom used to tell, some famous ghosts including the Lady from the Water and the Lady in White, grave robbers and leper colonies. My favorite part was visiting some sites at night–St. Kevin’s graveyard and the ancient Gates of Dublin.

After 36 hours awake, Dad slept Saturday night! Sunday we went to church and then had a carvery lunch. We talked ourselves out of any sightseeing, except for a drive to Howth and back. Bill made us Irish Stew for dinner, and then we decided we had the strength to make it to a movie (Death at a Funeral–Farce!).

Today the parents and I headed out after lunch to see The Book of Kells at Trinity University. Quite interesting and amazing. I told Bill I want one.

We walked from Trinity back up to O’Connell and wandered Henry and Talbot streets. We caught the bus around 6:20 and were so glad to have dinner waiting for us when we arrived home! Bill made tasty Irish pork sausages with lentils and spinach. We had a couple newkies in the fridge that finished the meal out just right.

Tomorrow we’re riding the tour bus around Dublin.

Cool tree in St. Anne’s Park

Carvery Lunch on Sunday. Dad had roast beef and we three had chicken and mushroom pie. That’s my plate with no carrots!

Dad is ready to give up his seat to any elderly person in the coffee shop at Trinity U (make sure to enlarge to read sign).

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