Hello, This is Toblerone, everyone’s favorite beagle! I am attempting my first post on this blog. I just want to reassure everyone that I am doing well. I have spent the last 3 and a half months with the Bockelmans and Clouses. I am getting adjusted to the weather, the new house, new people and new rules. Can you believe they won’t feed me at the dinner table? And I am not allowed to sleep on their bed? I didn’t think I could handle it, but now I feel right at home. I do miss Chuy’s and all the other good restaurant food that my mom and dad brought home.

Life at the Farm:
Here I am checking out the view from Trevor’s bedroom.

I have met a few friends here at my new house. One of them is Trevor. He is the baby of the family. I like to lick him in the face and roll around near him. But I never give him special hugs. I also have a new friend of a different kind. His name is Butterscotch. He just came to the house a month or so ago. We like to chase each other in the house and make noise.

My Friends:

Last but not least I am getting accustomed to the weather. Here is a picture of the first snowfall and how I reacted.

First Snowfall:

I am getting used to the cold weather and all the other fun stuff that Indiana has to offer. I will try and post more often. Just wanted to let Mom and Dad know that I am all right and that I love and miss them very much. 🙂
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