My goals for my first week of work were 1) survive, 2) arrive on time, 3) wear appropriate clothing, and 4) not nap at my desk. Happy to report: I succeeded at all four.

My chance of survival was buoyed by the three-day work week. Monday off for St. Paddy and today for Good Friday. We’re off Easter Monday as well. I’m appreciating the opportunity to work up to the full five days. My door-to-door commute is about an hour, with Bill dropping me at the station. I’ll be working 9-5:30. Bill’s had to start waking up earlier to get me to the 8:12 train. I’ve been walking home in the evenings, but I really appreciate the lift in the mornings.

I don’t know if this week was truly indicative of train crowdedness. Schools are on break, so a lot of people might have been off work. Might be worse next week. This week was fine. Actually got a seat on the way in yesterday morning. The walk is pleasant enough. It does help one wake up. I created a map for the cartographiles out there.

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I’ve been exploring during my lunch breaks. Tons of places to grab a sandwich, or even a slice. Really looking forward to spring days to eat in the park.

We had a casual day on Thursday (usually Fridays), so that made wardrobe choices that much easier. I still need another pair of comfortable, dressy-enough shoes. I think Bill and I might trek to the mall tomorrow. Bill took one pair of slacks to the dry cleaners for me–€8.95 ($13.50)! That’s crazy, right? Gotta check out other cleaners.

So, what about the actual work? It’s going to be great!

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