After visiting David at the Galleria dell’Accademia, we strolled to the Mercato Centrale for lunch and some shopping. Bill wanted to try a Florentine favorite at Nerbone–tripe panini. Dad went along on this gastronomic gamble. Mom and I opted for prosciutto. Turns out Mom and I made the right choice.

After eating we wandered the stalls. We bought some fig fruit mustard, Pecorino Tuscano and Salsiccia di cinghiale for Tastes of Italy night back home in Dublin (not a real thing) and browsed the leather and textile offerings, making a purchase here and there.

After a short afternoon rest at the B&B, we headed to our last museum, the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, to see the Michelangelo Pietà. Michelangelo began this pietà for his own tomb, but abandoned the sculpture after eight years when he found imperfections in the stone. One of his students worked on the pietà but it is still not complete. Like with the Prigioni, these rough areas highlight the transformation of the finished, almost lifelike figures. This pietà differs from the common pietà composition where Mary is cradling Jesus after he is taken from the cross. Three figures are joined together to support Christ’s body. The male figure, bearing Michelangelo’s own face, is thought to be Nicodemus. The women are likely the two Marys. The museum contains other sculpture and information about the Duomo, included entries submitted for the 19th century update to the facade.

That evening we dined at Trattoria Coco Lezzone, a family owned spot with long tables. Mom and Dad had a lovely roast pork with beans. Bill and I had a plate of bolito misto (boiled meat), which included tongue. An interesting discovery about myself this year is that I really like cow tongue. We had cantuccini again to end the meal, this time with a red dessert wine.

On the way back to the B&B we were treated to a lovely full moon above the duomo.

Sunday morning the sun returned to bid us a bright farewell. We spent our last morning wandering and haggling in the markets. After a spot of pizza for lunch, we hopped on a train to the Pisa airport, and then back to Dublin. Thank you Bill for all your travel planning and guiding. It was a truly wonderful week! Oh, by the way, according to store windows in Florence, we all should be wearing purple!

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