To celebrate the day the whole world is Irish, here are some images of Dublin and environs from the turn of the 20th Century, posted recently on Flickr by The Library of Congress.

[St. Stephen's Green Park, Dublin. County Dublin, Ireland] (LOC)

Stephen’s Green

[Sackville Street and O'Connell Bridge, Dublin. County Dublin, Ireland] (LOC)

O’Connell Street Bridge

[Phoenix Park, Dublin. County Dublin, Ireland] (LOC)

Pheonix Park

[Killiney and Dalkey. County Dublin, Ireland] (LOC)


[Howth and Ireland's Eye. County Dublin, Ireland] (LOC)

Howth and Ireland’s Eye

Also, Flickrers are posting fun Then & Now shots.

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2 Responses to Ireland Past

  1. Charles says:

    The O'Connell Street Bridge looks similar to today with the O'Connell Monument there. Of course, the conveyances are different. I didn't realize the bridge was so wide back then – the British shot up the Post Office , which is two blocks down on the left, from gunboats on the Liffey in the 1917(?) Uprising – I guess on the right side of this bridge.

  2. mom Gunter says:

    Beautiful Ireland. I love the old pics.