Our last visit to Indiana coincided with Thanksgiving (albeit a belated one); this visit included Easter Sunday. We’re getting into a habit of holiday meals with the Bockelmans.

Easter dining started with a basket of Robin’s Eggs, Peeps and Reese’s Eggs (including the new mini ones). Thank ya, Easter Bunny!

Then came the traditional Easter breakfast of breakfast tacos. Well, traditional for former Austinites that reunite anywhere in the world.

After church Andrea’s parents joined us, and Andrea and her mom put together this spread (on a table decorated with eggs dyed by Trevor):

  • Giardiniera and black olives
  • Deviled eggs
  • Broccoli salad
  • Baked Ham
  • Corn pudding
  • Mashed potatoes and gravy
  • Gougères

I was thrilled to hear the sound of Andrea’s dad revving he electric knife. How many holiday meals kick off with that sound? Even better because Wayne was slicing Easter ham. Most ham in Ireland is not smoked, and we were very much looking forward to smokey ham goodness. (It was to be the first of many smoked meats we’d enjoy during our US tour.) Corn is also somewhat rare on the Irish table. This corn pudding was made with corn from South Indiana. So good. Andrea’s gougères are always a treat, and these Gruyere puffs are the perfect match with the ham. Indiana pork and corn, with French Gruyere–that’s the Bockelmans’ table!

We had two terrific desserts. Andrea and Kevin stayed up late Saturday making a special surprise–Baklava! And Andrea’s mom Deb is an expert pie maker, and this Rhubarb and Custard pie was superb. I didn’t even have to fight Wayne for a piece. I think he was asleep when I nabbed one.

After this feast we took to the back yard for the Hunting of the Eggs.







Even Toblerone got into the action.

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2 Responses to Easter in Indiana

  1. KevinB says:

    Awesome. I don't really know what else to say. I did like the part about Southern Indiana and France. Nice touch.

  2. mom Gunter says:

    What a wonderful Easter and what a wonderful family. Boy! Does that food ever look good.The boys are darling and Tob looks great!