It’s been a while since I posted a rainbow pic.


I snapped this photo from the bus last Saturday morning. Bill and I were on our way into city centre for a choir workshop with the New Irish Choir and Orchestra, hosted by our church. The Belfast-based choir bravely invited interested parties to attend a day of rehearsal and then participate in the concert that evening.

This second soprano could have used a bit more rehearsal, but we had a blast.

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2 Responses to Rainbow

  1. That is one of the prettiest rainbows I’ve seen. It is so big.
    I know you two had a wonderful time being part of the choir. Were there any cd’s or dvd’s made?

  2. Trina says:

    I sure would have loved to see you and Bill performing in that choir…what a fun thing to do. YOu guys are my gateway to other countries…I am sure loving the posts, the pictures and the writings….I even like seeing what you guys are eating, I have to say you are braver than I am in some cases, but always a treat…..miss you guys even though it has been a while…enjoy your time there…