On well-timed commuting days, I catch the 44 or 48A after leaving Pearse Street DART station, at the stop in front of St. Andrews church. The 44/48A drops me right outside my office, so it is worth a few minutes wait. I have a travel pass, but my stop on Adelaide Road is the last stop within the City Centre fare, so it would cost only 50 cents. But the driver won’t tell you that. I’m trying to spread the word.

As I wait I stare at this building across the street. There is a guy who locks his bike to the rail, ties a plastic bag over the seat and walks around the corner. When the light is right, I can see the reflection of the church’s statue of St. Andrew in the middle window.












I think spotting that reflection is cool, and I thought you might think so too.

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One Response to POTD: reflection

  1. The reflection is very cool Sharon. 🙂