In the shops of Dublin right now you’ll find plenty of kale. In a few weeks you may not be so lucky. Kale availability surges in October for the Halloween tradition of eating colcannon.

But there’s more to kale than colcannon. Loads more.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of kale is stew. Kale and its cabbagey cousins hold up well in soups and stews.

Bill made the white bean stew the other day and I tweeted about it and our friend Lisa replied.

@ love kale and white beans. and kale and most things, really.


lisa lawless

Lisa happens to be a food blogger and I asked her for some kale suggestions:

Spaghetti Squash. Kale Salad. We’re already miles away from colcannon.

Bill and I have been curious about eating kale in a salad for a while. Kale can be tough, so before serving it raw, the leaves are massaged with the dressing for the salad. Bill says it’s like pre-chewing. I prefer to think of it more like wagu beef massage.

Bill put his Brassica-massage skills to work, and created a tasty raw kale salad.

Kale Salad with Asian Dressing

200g kale, ribs removed, torn into bite-sized pieces
Juice of 1 clementine
Juice of 1 lime
soy sauce
toasted sesame oil
3 spring onions, sliced thin
1 red bell pepper, diced
1/4 cup chopped coriander
1 green chile, halved, ribs removed and sliced thin
1 T sesame seeds, toasted

  1. Wash and dry the kale.
  2. Toss in a large bowl with juices, a splash of soy sauce and several drops of sesame oil.
  3. Massage together for several minutes until the kale is tender.
  4. Add remaining ingredients.
  5. Add more soy and/or sesame oil to taste.

We ate the salad with some Asian-glazed salmon. Delicious. Bill declared the kale salad to be one of the best things he’s eaten in a long time.

I was having a kale chat with a co-worker, and she said she would be interested in kale recipes…if she could substitute spinach. Funny one Fi! But in truth, most kale recipes probably would be great with mature spinach. And thinking about spinach recipes might be a good way to come up with dishes that could handle a bit of Kale. Caryna of Caryna’s cakes told me about making a quiche with Kale, Chard and Emmental cheese. A hit at the Dublin Co-op where she caters the Thursday cafe. And Aoife of I Can Has Cook declares kale to be one of her favorite brassicas in this post about Kale and Anchovy pasta.

In our kale fever, Bill and I decided to try something we’d read about–kale chips. Bill washed and spun dry a bag of kale, tossed with some olive oil and placed the leaves flat on some baking sheets. After 15 minutes in the oven, the much smaller kale leaves were tossed with salt, lime zest and chile powder. The entire bowl of this weird, but addictive snack was then consumed by Bill and me.

Obsessing on kale recently, I’ve been like an FBI agent who scans the air waves, listening for chatter about X Factor or what have you. I jumped when I saw the following on Twitter.

Love it when a dinner plan comes together – kale pesto is served


Daily Spud

Kale Pesto! Daily Spud’s post provoked a few replies, and she responded with the basic recipe: About 3:2 steamed kale to toasted pine nuts, grated Parmesan 2 taste, glug of olive oil, Maldon salt.

That’s a kale lover I thought, and I asked her if she had any more Kale recipes. Indeed she did: Lentil and Kale stew with smoked fish.

I sent a call for kale recipes out into the twitterverse, and uncovered a recipe for kale and scallops:

@ I used this recipe but kept the kale a bit crunchy!




Also on Twitter had a conversation with Mark about cooking kale and he told me his parents used to hide money in kale. Is that a tradition, I asked?

@ Yup, tradition. Wrapped in tin-foil, it’s a cheap way to make kids eat their vegetables.


Mark Aylward

Money in the colcannon? Mark’s comment led us to survey those who sit near us in work. 35% of respondents observed this Halloween tradition as children. Our study also identified a high correlation between finding money in kale as a child and loving kale as an adult. Something to keep in mind, parents! We also discovered a vein of kale revulsion running through the public. To those haters I can only say, this post is for you. And read Daily Spud’s post about rediscovering kale in colcannon.

Yep, ain’t nothing wrong with colcannon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our Kale round up, and now have a place to come when in this situation:

@ I bought kale on Saturday. Yet to decide what to do with it. Any suggestions?


Laurie George



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10 Responses to A Kale Recipe Roundup

  1. Trina says:

    WoW…that is a lot of KALE!!! I would definitely need to be forced at first to try some of those recipies….I have what you might call a “texture” problem..HA! looks like it might be yummy though….

  2. Is that rice on the plate with the salad and salmon? Everything looks delicious. I love greens of any kind so I believe I would like all the recipes. 🙂

  3. Kristin says:

    I tried making kale chips for the first time last winter – I think we ate a whole bag of kale between the two of us when prepared that way! Great round-up (and lovely to see you again yesterday, Sharon). x

    • Sharon says:

      Yes, we ate an entire bag of kale in chip form as well. So much beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin! (I don’t know if that last one is a real thing but it was on wikipedia.) We said it would take a long time to make enough chips for a party, however.

      It didn’t occur to me to search Dinner du Jour for Kale recipes. Just did. Tons! I’ll put the link here for interested parties:

      Was great to see you too, and I’ll be seeing you again soon!

  4. Sharon says:

    I should add this tip from Bill: Try steaming kale in the microwave for colcannon instead of boiling. Took about eight minutes for one bag of kale.

  5. Sharon says:

    From Caryna on Twitter:
    @slgunter @tulanian made that amazing kale salad. I added beans and ate it as a main. Then baked the leftovers in a hollowed squash. Wow

    Amazing ideas! Would be terrific with edamame.

  6. […] Nation. Who says “Yay, kale!” excitedly whenever its name is uttered. She even did a Kale Recipe Round-up on her and her partner Bill’s blog. Big […]

  7. Heather says:

    I can’t wait to try some more of these recipes

  8. […] Nation, who says “Yay, kale!” excitedly whenever its name is uttered. She even did a Kale Recipe Round-up on her and her partner Bill’s blog. Big […]

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