Today marks our fourth year in Ireland. To commemorate this anniversary, I’ve collected a few of my favorite posts about life on the auld sod.
We arrived with seven suitcases, and shipped four boxes of books. (Three of which arrived.) We just moved house, and I’d say we’re at 50 suitcases worth of belongings now. Seven suitcases were filled with my clothes alone!
6 Oct 2007–We made it
4 Feb 2008 Behold the ground hog
Isn’t Groundhog Day a day when everything happens over and over again?
19 April 2008 Busy, Busy Week
Can you cross the United States driving only through states that start with a vowel?
18 April 2008 Fiesta!
Our weapons: Pork Tamales and homemade corn tortillas with three taco fillings– Pork and Potato, cold chicken salad with chipotle vinaigrette, and shrimp in garlic lime butter.
29 May 2008 Tea vs Brown Water
My brewing time is 36 times that of the typical brewing time in my office.
25 May2008 Saturday in the Park
…we walked back to the Green, found a sunny spot and lay in the grass.
8 June 2008 Long days of summer
In summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day.
10 Oct 2009 116 Things We Know Now
Number 108–We like mushy peas.
20 Feb 2010 Saturday in the Kitchen with BillÂ
James [Martin] is a polarizing force in the world of television hosting…
3 Jul 2010 Tastes of Home
So, I talk about meat.
28 Aug 2010 The Question
We sold a bunch of stuff and gave away stuff and threw away stuff and sent our dog to live in Indiana.
27 November 2010 Thanksgiving Distilled
 But cooking a Thanksgiving meal does not Thanksgiving make.
3 Dec 2010 Provisions
We’re out of onions now, so Bill says we definitely need to make it to the store tomorrow.
I’ve often thought of my life here in terms of suitcases too – I arrived with just two and now have a whole house! Here’s to the next four years. x
4 years? Amazing. My life has been made better by having you both here.
Wow, what an amazing thing to say, Laurie. You, Sharon and the girls have been great friends to us.
I sure remember that suitcase picture! You two have an amazing life! I’ll be happy to see you two pushing some of those suitcases into my house at Thanksgiving. 🙂
Dec. 2010 was my favorite of all the blogs you mentioned. “provisions”. Absolutely loved it. 🙂
This is Mom, not Dad. I have just read back over many of your blogs. You really do have the gift. Some of our absolutely most amazing experiences have happened while visiting and traveling with you and Bill. We are so looking forward to seeing you in November.
Thanks Mom (not Dad). I know, I was saying the other day that it’s hard to do something for your 50th that will top some of the trips we’ve taken in the last few years.
We’re very excited about our visit. Not long now!