Over the last few weeks, Bill has been watching the asparagus for sale in the grocery store move closer to Ireland. Like a child waiting for Santa, Bill envisioned the green spears flying across the conjugate graticule* grid of the globe**, ever Ireland-ward. It’s in Peru! Now Mexico! Egypt! ¡España!
When it hits the UK, Bill said, that’s when we buy.
And then Twitter brought the news. UK asparagus would be available at the Honest2Goodness Market. So to the market we went. A trip to H2G is always a good time. On this visit we had my parents along and ate lunch (an Asian fish stew) before visiting Glasnevin Cemetery, and stopping by Kavanagh’s (aka, the Gravedigger) for a pint. A brilliant Saturday.
In addition to the asparagus, we picked up some Glebe Brethan cheese, Arun Bakery Vlaas, and fresh eggs. Turns out, these ingredients, spiked with a bit of white truffle oil, make an incredibly scrumptious sandwich. And the perfect kick off to Asparagus season.
*really, you don’t know this is the term for the latitude and longitude webbing?
**Bill didn’t really envision (nor envisage) this
I love asparagus too! That sandwich looks yummy! 🙂
I got some asparagus at H2G market last Saturday too! I reckon we ate ours quicker than you as we had it for Saturday lunch….poached organic eggs from the market with spears dipped into the yolk, and Arún bread to mop up any that escaped. Now…white truffle oil…there’s a thought……
Eggs + Asparagus + Arun bread just naturally go together! Love feasting from H2G.
I was right next to Sharon enjoying my asparagus-egg sandwich when she took that picture. It was another great treat for Bill to make and for Sharon to document! :>)
I just bought some US asparagus at Wal-Mart, so we will see how it compares.